
Call of duty modern warfare 3 spec ops
Call of duty modern warfare 3 spec ops

call of duty modern warfare 3 spec ops


They aren't of the Jonathan Blow or That Game Company movement, but they know how to trigger endogenous morphine. The hand-off between action and reward is precise and beautiful, so while Infinity Ward (or what is left of it) isn't moving games forward, they'll always be a day-one purchase. Hell you can kill dogs in Fallout too.Īlso have you seen this game, it's fucking nuts, and dogs with C4 attached to them is fucking said: I could not care less about how little innovation MW3 brings to the FPS genre. Really? You could kill the dogs in and BLOPS. that's fucked up though, they should remove it from the game entirely, because I'd accept it if it depicted the horrors of it, not when it's a fucking perk or a weapon or whatever They should pull this from the market.I totally agree with him, what the fuck is wrong with people, and how is this in any way acceptable!? people thinks it's cool and shit because it's in their favorite game, is that what you're marketing to!? sociopa.oh wait, I forgot about the online gamechat. and as said:Įxploding dogs is disgusting. oh and oh-yay, they added horde mode, people like that right!? cant blame em though, they're selling like hotcakes so of course they're gonna try and make it as much as the last one as possible. multiplayer is what everyone plays anyways.

call of duty modern warfare 3 spec ops

that's fucked up though, they should remove it from the game entirely, because I'd accept it if it depicted the horrors of it, not when it's a fucking perk or a weapon or said: GET EXCITED PEOPLE, SOON YOU WILL HAVE MW3, THE.the same game you've been playing since the 2007 release of modern warfare, with subtle tweaks and weapons, jeez you could've just have released multiplayer downloadable content every so often and you'll probly have more innovation than these games have been getting. I totally agree with him, what the fuck is wrong with people, and how is this in any way acceptable!? people thinks it's cool and shit because it's in their favorite game, is that what you're marketing to!? sociopa.oh wait, I forgot about the online gamechat.

call of duty modern warfare 3 spec ops

GET EXCITED PEOPLE, SOON YOU WILL HAVE MW3, THE.the same game you've been playing since the 2007 release of modern warfare, with subtle tweaks and weapons, jeez you could've just have released multiplayer downloadable content every so often and you'll probly have more innovation than these games have been getting.

Call of duty modern warfare 3 spec ops