Shadow Priest 3.3.5 PvE GUIDE - Gems, Enchants and Stats (PART2) I recommend you to use Glyph of Shadow Ward: Pain for manna regeneration. Glyph of Shadow, Glyph of Mind Flay, Glyph of Shadow Ward: Death. I recommend you to spend 3 talent points in Shadow Affinity (0:52) instead of Improved Mind Blast (0:55). Shadow Priest 3.3.5 PvE GUIDE - Talents and Glyphs (PART1) The guide will pritty much cover most of the basic things you need to know about priest as a damage dealer. This guide is intended to help new players and those who already play a shadow priest, this is just the way I play it and I wanted to share.

Because of this, you want to make sure you always apply Shadow Word: Pain at 5-stacks, not before.Hello and Welcome to my Shadow Priest guide for patch 3.3.5. Shadow Word: Pain will deal damage based on the amount of Shadow Weaving stacks you had at the initial application, so if you only have 4-stacks, it will only ever get an 8% bonus, even after you reach 5-stacks. You can take advantage of this by making sure you have as high critical chance as possible before you first apply it.Īnother important aspect is the way Shadow Word: Pain interacts with Shadow Weaving. The spell will adjust based on your Spell Power every refresh, but it will keep the critical chance it had for the original cast. This also creates some odd interactions, namely that Shadow Word: Pain snapshots some stats and effects but does not snapshot others. This effectively means that you only cast Shadow Word: Pain once during a fight and just continuously refresh it with Mind Flay in your rotation. Talents for Shadow Priest DPS in Wrath of the Lich KingĪn odd new talent, making your Mind Flay refresh Shadow Word: Pain. For minors there really isn't much to consider except if you want Glyph of Fortitude for cheaper Prayer of Fortitude casts or Glyph of Shadow Protection to make you have to refresh Prayer of Shadow Protection less often. You always want to run Glyph of Shadow and Glyph of Mind Flay but the third is optional between Glyph of Dispersion and Glyph of Shadow Word: Death depending on if you want a more defensive or a more offensive build. Our glyph choice also doesn't have much wiggle room. Situational talents you could want include Psychic Horror, Silence and Improved Vampiric Embrace. If you are absolutely desperate you can drop Inner Focus. You can also potentially drop 1 or 2 points in Improved Shadowform if you are absolutely sure you won't need pushback protection or freedom from roots. Focused Mind can be reduced to 0, freeing 2 points. Your spec brings Replenishment and Misery as raid support and Vampiric Embrace as group support and all of the necessary DPS increases for Shadow Priests to function.ĭespite the spec being very tight, you can make some compromises to grab niche talents. Most of your points are effectively immovable and everything is stretched very thin. Shadow Priests don't have a lot of wiggle room in their talents. Talent Builds for Shadow Priest DPS in Wrath of the Lich King This guide will provide a list of recommended talent builds and glyphs for your class and role, as well as general advice for the best builds in PvE for raiding and dungeons. Welcome to Wowhead's Talent Builds and Glyphs Guide for Shadow Priest DPS in Wrath of the Lich King Classic.